Talk and seminars
Invited e-seminars:
Department of Chemistry EPFL
Randell Centre, Kings College London
Department of Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology
Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan
Department of Physics, Vanderbilt University
National Research Council of Italy
Society of Medicines Research, "The reality of Artificial Intelligence in drug discovery" (Invited talk)​
Folding@Home 20th Anniversary Webinar (Invited talk)
Global Pharma R&D AI, Data Science & Informatics Summit, Global Engage (Invited talk)
Annual AI In Drug Development Congress, Oxford Global (Invited talk)
BiGMax workshop on Big-Data-Driven Materials Science, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (Invited talk)
CECAM workshop on “Progress and developments of artificial intelligence for drug design”, Genoa, Italy (Invited talk)
Gordan Research Conference in Computer Aided Drug Discovery, Vermont, USA (Invited talk)
International Conference on Energy Materials and Interfaces, North East Centre for Energy Materials, Newcastle, UK (Invited talk)
Royal Society of Chemistry AI in Chemistry Workshop, Cambridge, UK (Invited talk)
Competence Center for Computational Chemistry Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland (Invited talk)
German Chemoinformatics Conference, Mainz, Germany (Invited talk)
Global Pharma R&D Informatics and AI Congress, London (Invited talk)
CECAM School on “Machine Learning in Scientific Computing”, Nierstein, Germany (Invited talk)
CECAM/Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science School on “Understanding Molecular Simulation”, Beijing, China (Invited talk)
"New Vistas in Molecular Thermodynamics", Humbolt Kolleg, UC Berkeley (Invited talk)
European/German Physical Society Condensed Matter Spring Division Meeting (Invited talk)
CECAM workshop on "Electrostatics in Concentrated Electrolytes" (co-organiser)
CompChemKitchen, University of Oxford (Invited talk)
User General Meeting, rdKit
2nd Edwards Symposium on Challenges in Soft Matter, University of Cambridge (Invited talk)er
CECAM workshop on "Exploiting Finite Size Effect in Simulations" (Invited talk)
Computational statistics club, Memorial Slone Kettering Cancer Center (Invited talk)
Physical Mathematics Seminar, MIT (Invited talk)
Lorentz Centre workshop "Understanding Ionic Liquids on Different Length and Time Scales"
Workshop on "anomalous screening in electrolytes", Weizmann Institute (Invited talk)